Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Team up mobile challenge ... Close up

Playing catch up :-) And good going even if I do say so myself, this has been one unexpected week! And for all you naturally pessimistic people out there "unexpected" doesn't always mean it is a bad thing, good things also happen unexpectedly, and even if it doesn't go according to plan, doesn't mean it didn't go better than planned :-) ... LoL ... it's a glass half full or half empty thing, a matter of perception. Anyway that has nothing to do with CLOSE UP

Superhero chose the topic, I warned him, I remember doing this one with my sister and it was challenging enough with zoom lens. With a phone ... eish!!!! (to non SAFFERs that means eish ...LoL) Anyway I never shy away from a challenge so off we went to get into people and things personal space ... yeee-haaa

So Superhero first, I am naughty and did this to his pic:
What is it? it looks like roots of something don't you think?
Well I have turned the pic upside down so it is not upwards growing roots. Ok ok stop twisting your head like a geek to look at the pic properly this is his pic for the topic close up:
He really had me with this, looks like some sort of sprout vegetables or something, maybe something I put in my salad or you feed a bunny ... this is what it really is:
That is one interesting plant, very pretty ... close up can really change your perspective on something. Good job old chap ... nice one :-) I know you say you will never choose this topic again but bet you look back now and think you actually enjoyed it!

Ok here is my take on it:
This is our fireplace, no zoom lens ... nope ... this is CLOSE UP ... charred knuckles, singed eyebrows and all :-)

No-one will approve of my next pic, but hey, I like controversy :-) here is another version of close up:
This is Pepper ... at first glance he looks like a ghost cat, then you look again at you think you looking through frosted glass, but if you look CLOSE UP you will see it is rain on the window ... yes I am that evil that I left the cat in the rain and then took photo's of it from my nice dry warm lounge (while crouching in front of the fire place)

Please note: Pepper was not harmed in the making of this blog :-)

1 comment:

  1. Sies Heidi!! Poor kitty, he wants to come live with his Aunty Pam!
