Sunday, 27 May 2012

I am grateful for ...

One can never consent to creep, when one feels the impulse to soar ...
- Helen Keller

This is one of my all time favourite inspirational quotes! And today and this week I will be drawing on it (not with a crayon, but for inspiration)

The last few weeks have been trying to say the least, I have been sick and then Leah had a turn, never nice when ones littlies are not well! That, though, I can deal with. But more than that I have been having a "situation" which has been pulling me down, Friday was "the straw that broke the camels back"!!! There just comes a time when you need to step back and assess a situation and weigh up what you put in and what you get out and what it drains out of you and then ask is it worth it?

So yet again I am sitting on the eve of another biggie for me, once again I feel like I am standing on the cliffs edge about to take a leap of faith ... jump high ... jump far ... then spread your wings :-)

So with the future uncertain, and change being the only constant in my life I will yet again do the only thing I know, embrace it, go with it, see where it takes me. And at times like this there is one thing I am absolutely without a doubt grateful for, and that is I am not threatened by change, I almost think I thrive on it!

You may ask why the picture of a Pukeko, why not and eagle or an albatross ... well for a number of reasons, firstly Pukeko's are one of my favourite birds, and it is my blog so why not. Secondly I don't have a photo of an eagle or albatross but will put it on my bucket list somewhere after the blue thunder and northern lights, and thirdly I geniusly left my camera in my office with my external hardrive and there this is the only picture I have :-)


  1. Good luck Stinks - I am with you in spirt!

  2. You remind me of the mythical Phoenix... rising from the ashes :) thinking of u...

  3. All the best...will be thinking of you.
