See I told you all I make some washout topics! I really do like self torture ...LoL ... My sister is awesome, this week she was "wicked early" and I was the delay, not because of time because of my stink choice in topic ;-) But the blog is here and on time so Yay to us sisters right!
Here is my sisters pic, she is so funny!! Her pic for light was the light of her life: Dudley her cat. this is what she wrote to me:
This is Dudley our kitsy cat - he has SO much character even though he doesn't much like people. For
instance, he is the only cat I know that LOVES baked goods i.e. muffins, cupcakes, biscotti, cookies, cake and of course, his all-time most favouritist of all: banana bread. If I bake banana bread, I actually have to hide it in a cupboard in a Ziploc bag to keep it safe. One of our customers gave me a packet of cookies last week and he found my stash and tried to make off with the whole packet. Cat food is so-so, real chicken he will leave untouched on the counter but if you bake - beware! He lights up my world, our whole little animal family does, we have a budgie who thinks he's a bull dog and takes great pleasure in antagonizing the cats at every turn (he pulls out their fur hair by hair if they get close enough to the cage) and our other little kitsy cat girl who thinks she is a princess and we are all Court Jesters here for her entertainment. Mark and I have a saying: God makes 'em, and then they come live by us!
I like your saying Sis but I we also have our own saying "birds of a feather flock together" ... ever wondered why your pets are all a little nuts? ...LoL
That said it is such a nice photo, belongs on the cover of a nice easy read novel, just nice to gaze at ;-)
I was not so successful this week, I did try, I even went out one night and wandered around trying to find that something special, from our awesome walkway to the port and through the town, I am not happy with a single shot (all except 1 ... but later). Anyway the one I submitted to my sister is actually 2 photo's, they are of a sculpture taken from the exact same position, but look how the traffic lights and the light change the perception of the sculpture, if you can't notice it then firstly look at the colour difference from red light to orange light ... but more interestingly notice how the light changes and so does the direction of the sculpture ... just goes to show, give off a little bit of light and you could change someones perception :-)
Next is the windows of St Mary's Cathedral by night, the same church I took the memorial pics at a few weeks back for the "OLD" challenge, pic didn't come out quite as I hoped but still pretty enough to look at for a glance.
This next one is off an ship out at sea, ships are sea at night are actually not so easy to photograph as I have no discovered, who knew the move SOOOOOO much!! I have some pretty ghastly photo's and some really eery ghostly ones too, this is the best one ... new mission for me is to try and get the perfect night boat shot ;-)
Ok the one I really like but really couldn't submit ANOTHER sunrise for my pic of the week, but isn't this world we live in a beautiful one?? this picture has not been doctored in anyway, and see how it looks like a watercolour painting? Worth getting out of bed early for!!
Last one was just me turning my body 180 deg and taking a pic of the sunrise light reflecting off some clouds, just pretty that is all.
Well that is it. Sis's choice in theme next week so you will probably have some good pics again ... I think ... but then I have a real full on week again so maybe I shouldn't count my chicks before they hatch.
Hi there - You both did a lovely job again this week - Light is really not a bad topic - I remember when Mariette suggested it for one of our themes last year - I was terrified...but it turned out to be one of the themes that I had the most fun with...Lots of love