Thursday, 5 May 2011

Through the eyes of sisters, week 8 Topic: PINK

Ok so every week we start off with how time has consumed or evaded us, this week it was time difference, you see this is a Thursday blog, and today is not Thursday is it, well actually it is still Thursday somewhere in the world so that has to count. It is tricky getting a blog out on a certain day of the week with a partner who has a 16hour time difference to me. One day I am sure we will master it ... or not ... because that is how we roll!
Maybe we should make our theme TIME one week ...LoL ...

So my sister chose this weeks theme, nice one, nice to have this one after my crappy theme last week. My sister is good at picking themes, I think she can just think of all the themes from now on. Or she can just tell me what to choose for my turn then I still chose it right?

PINK ....
My sisters picture made me cry this week, I am sure she didn't mean for it to make me cry, it was just a heart felt message sent to make me feel warm and fuzzy, and it did ... and then I cried. You see the last couple of weeks I have been missing my family and friends so much, I am starting another new chapter in my life and my family and friends know I would have been talking their ears off about it, bouncing things off them and so on, and yes I know I still can but it is not the same and sitting in a lounge sipping coffee and chatting, or just picking up the phone and chatting, no I have to either email them (so impersonal) or wait for us both to be online on skype or count the notches on the clock to figure out if they are sleeping or no ... I just want to pick up the phone and chat. So the last few weeks I have been throwing myself a bit of a pity party, and who can I talk to about it ... so I have just creeped into my shell and hod from the world and avoided everything and everyone ... pretty darn lonely place!
So then my sister sends me her pic ... thanks Pam, talk about the straw that broke the camels back. Shows the connection we share with our loved ones, even 14474km away my sister just knows what I need!
So here is my sisters tear jerking picture to me ... I love you pic sis, goes without saying, apart from all the marshmallow stuff it is a nice picture!!

Ok after last weeks dismal attempt I promised I would apply myself this week. And I think I did.When I got my theme I thought of a friend who will remain nameless and the joke we share over said friends passion for pink lipstick (sure they even have a secret pink lipstick club ... LoL) and so I decided to break out of my norm of nature shots and photograph a real live person (LoL) and so asked my neighbours daughter to be model for a day. I did her make up (huge feat for me considering my relationship to make up is ... well ... it isn't), and we played around. She was great! and such a natural which made my job that much easier. So here is my PINK pic of the week:

Here are some of my other favourite pics from the shoot we did, was a tough decision choosing my pic!

Ok then almost last one, interesting on my sisters blog she has a photo of peach blossoms, all pretty and pink, they are having Spring at the moment so colour and pink especially must be bursting all around them, but it is Autumn here and look .... pink!! :-) Cool hey!

This last pic wasn't taken this week, but it is still one my favourite photo's I have taken ... where else in this crazy world of ours do you get to see a purple volcano? Ok it isn't pink but there are shades of pink! This pic was taken from my street, I arrived home one night to be greeted with this, so I ran inside and grabbed my trusty camera to immortalise that vision of absolute beauty.

So there you have it, this was a nice week, good theme!! Let's see what next week has in store ...
And Pam ... if you think it is hard missing me ... you should try missing you!


  1. Hi there - It was a lovely theme and you both thought out the box and aced it ... Heidi (sorry if I keep getting your name wrong) - I love your last comment - Very special...For me having known Pam for so long and just seeing you around sometimes...I am amazed at how different you are, but how at exactly the same time how the same you are as well - I also really get what you mean about not being able to just pick up the phone and have coffee - I miss that, even with people who I never did it with - At least when everyone was close - I could if I wanted to....Missing you both - Lots of love

  2. That's nice stinks - I miss you more because I have missed you for longer!
