Saturday, 28 April 2012

I am grateful for .... Time

Time is a funny thing! We are either wishing it would slow down or wishing it away and no matter which one we are wishing for we are always praying for more time ... Time is just never enough!

I may not be able to claim the wisdom of years, but I have learnt all to well that time is precious, life may be the longest thing we do but the moments that make up life are often to fleeting. People pass on, move on or drift off, the clock never stops ticking and even good times have to pass to make way for other times, other moments and other memories.

We all guilty of waiting for the right time, is there a right time? What makes now not the right time and another time a better time ... how do you know a better time will come?

Time is precious ... time is now ... Carpe Diem!

Enjoy the moments and savour them for soon that time too will pass, and all too quickly, but good times will come around again.

Don't be guilty of wishing time away, sometimes we are so busy wishing time away that we miss the time we are having. Save those time wasting wishes for wishes worth having!

When bad times come your way, that time will pass all too quickly too and we need the bad times to appreciate the good times. Beauty too can be found in the broken.

And good times need to be safe guarded and treasured for it is the memory of those times that carry you through.And they too pass way to quickly but they too come around again.


1 comment:

  1. Time is like the ebbing and flowing of the tides....bringing highs and lows into our lives...nice blog :)
