Friday, 9 March 2012

I am grateful for .... People

Forest Gump may have said "life is like a box of chocolates" and I say friends are like a bag of marbles, I just chuckled out loud thinking of my sister while I typed that. Yes friends are like marbles, all different shapes and colours, you retain some, you loose some, each holding a different value, maybe more, maybe less, maybe just different. Yep friends are like marbles ....

I got to thinking about the influx of people in my life recently, I really have met some interesting people, all different in their own right ... I even almost swapped telephone numbers with a women in the ladies toilet at a restaurant :-) It is amazing where you can meet people and who can come into your life if you only open yourself up to new things and people.

And isn't it absolutely thrilling when you can meet someone who you can either share a common interest, or someone who inspires you, or someone who you can feel so truly comfortable with you open up to like a weight lifting off you. I have so many people in my life who inspire me, people who I find easy to keep company with, people who I share a common interest with that I find myself talking a mile a minute these topics with. Even ones that complete me, fulfil me. Some are near and I get to see, some so far my heart yearns ... but near all far they are all apart of my life ... and I am grateful for the people in my life ♥♥

This week I want to talk about a new friendship that has formed, one that has and is blossoming to be very dear to me, and with it comes a friendship with an amazing young girl. It can be said that some people have talent, some people have passion, and some have inspiration, you can have an combination of those, and you can also loose some along the way ... but real and amazing God given talents is are a really rare gem ....

... and young Zoe Wallace has it!! She has a true talent, and it is complimented by passion and inspiration ... to the point that she inspires me. She is a singer song writer who at the age of 11 years old writes and sings songs that make the hairs on my neck stand up ... I could listen to her sing all day long.

And isn't she beautiful?? I asked her if I could do a photo shoot with her to use on my blog and we had such a fun evening, she is such a natural, just eased into it.

These are just a very few of the photo's taken, I had such a hard choice .... out of 288 photo's 202 of them were amazing!!

Zoe has a very bright and beautiful future ahead of her!!! And I love having her Mum and her in my life ♥

I am going to sign off with one of her songs she performed at the Festival of Lights earlier this year, I let her choose which song she wanted me to include, basically she could have chosen any because I love them all.
I'll end with saying thank you to all the people in my life for bringing something to it in some way, shape or form. I am grateful for each and everyone!

This song is written and performed by Zoe, Zoe retains all copyright.

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