Thursday, 2 February 2012

I am grateful for ....

So the last blog ... crash, boom, bang ... I guess that would be one description for it. So I am going to be following a rapidly growing blog trend. you see I would class myself as a positive person, I come out of most situations smiling, people often tell me I am an positive and always optimistic. Sadly that science guy who says positive and negative attract was somewhat right, how is it that negative gets drawn to p!ss on a positives parade? Well this positive is not going to let a little p!ss on my parade short my circuit :-) anyway where was I ... oh yes positive ...LoL

Well you see the last couple of years have been exciting to say the least, things always changing, I have come to realise though that is my life, I am drawn to change, often drastic ones, but at the very least minor ones, but the last couple of years it would seem that I am also constantly surrounded by drama, not always my own, but people dragging me into their own little miserable personal drama's. And while I don't mind being a shoulder to cry on, and ear to bend, I don't really want to become the topic. As last year drew to a close and I sat quietly for a few days watching my FB feeds, and listening to friends and family and noticed message after message after wish after wish came ... "goodbye what a tough year .." and  ..."lets hope 2012 is better than this one .." and really, was the whole entire year so miserable or do the majority of the human population focus more and remember most the bad times and forget the good times? Soooooo .... bugger it all, I had a lovely 2011 and a 2010 and a 2009 ... yes there were some hair raising, draining and never want those moments back moments ... but there were also some Hell yeah, that was awesome, lets do it again sometime moments to, and those are the ones that I will allow to flavour my memories of that year!!

Oh wait did I get sidetracked telling you what my new blog was going to be about? positives ... oh right, so in following the new blogging trend, and in light of my conscience decision to ignore the negative draining bits of people's life, every week I am going to post a photo of something I am grateful for.

Well of course the natural start for most of these blogs is pics of their kids, and families and all that warm mushy stuff, ABSOLUTELY a RESOUNDING yes I am grateful for my beautiful children, food in my belly and a home to live in, my fluffy pillow and my comfy duvet .... but this is about stopping and smelling the roses and looking beyond the obvious ...

without further hesitation here is my first grateful photo ...

This is a section of the Te Rewa Rewa Bridge which forms part of the New Plymouth coastal walkway, also part of my cycling route which I do several times a week, while this is probably one of the most photographed spots in New Plymouth (in my opinion) even I have to admit is a beautiful site, I am just so grateful I get to ride one of the best walkways in all of New Zealand gazing out to sea or seeing some of New Plymouth landmark sites, makes for easy riding, I am grateful I get to do it safely whether it be with my girls (seldom I will admit) or on my own (more often the case - this is my alone time thing I do), I never grow tired of the same old route.

This is a full view of the bridge:

Every time I go to photograph the bridge the clouds cover the Mt Taranaki peak, but still pretty to look at ;-)

So that is the first of my "I am grateful for ... " blogs, I am off to start my weekend and stop to smell some flowers ...

and in ending ... roll on 2012, bring it on, my the winds of change forever blow in my sails ....


  1. Wow Heids, I read this and it just affirms what an amazing little sister I have. It also makes think back to the little girl who used to sing nursery rhymes at the top of her voice (sometimes just to drive me up the wall it's true) and wonder when exactly did that exuberant little Stinky-Poo grow up? The butterfly has emerged from the cocoon it seems, and she is breath taking.

  2. Hello :) u remind me of that bridge - strong! very nice shot and i like the idea behind your new blog...may u be able to fill it with lots of grateful moments from your life!
