So I chose the topic this week, I had a clear vision of what I wanted to share this week, but life always has other plans ... you would think I would know this by now!!!! It doesn't really matter, I quite like that this topic encourages you to try and take notice of something you possibly wouldn't have. For one of the first times I actually like the topic I chose - imagine that ... LoL
I will start with Pam's piccie first, I always do because that is how I roll!!
Her pic is of a type of a fungus growing at the base of an old birch tree in her garden. I have to agree with her message to me that accompanied her pic, it also reminds me of how we used to make fairy gardens in our own gardens as young girls, and yes Pam they would make nice balconies. I also think they may make nice awnings. It is a very interesting pic with the colours, shapes and textures, stirs a real interest in it. Good pic Pam!!
The one I have submitted is this:
When we first moved into our house just short of a year ago I found the first pic ... the hairy looking thingy-ma-jig ... while gardening, I did the city girl thing and shrieked and flicked it away with the spade. As time went on I realised it was from a plant, now almost a year on I can show you how it morphs from a ugly hairy thingy-ma-jig into a beautiful flower covering the tree outside our dining room window, I mean literally covering the tree ... welcome back spring!!!!
(and see the dirty hands, those are Rachel's, city kids hand also get dirty you know ... just saying!! You know who you are that I am saying this too!...LoL)
Ok my next pic wasn't taken this week BUT was the one I was out to take this week, only better ... but I am going to make do with ones I have taken a little while ago. When we first moved to New Plymouth I couldn't understand why the clouds we so straight, it boggled me so much. After more than 3 months I not only figured it out but had my camera on me to photograph it too :-) Check it out ... her are our straight clouds ...
So how did the clouds get so straight? Here's the culprit!
Of course it is a plane ... duh!!! LoL ... I do and did feel like a bit of a dweeb for not figuring that out. Now next quest, when I have time to kill, is where the hell are the planes from?? The are far to high to be from NP airport, we figure they must be from Auckland but then why would they be flying over NP? I mean nothing or no-one enters this airspace unless coming here, we are out of the way of everything and everyone!
So that is me for this week, off to kick up my heels and chill, first weekend off and enjoying it while I can since another one wont be headed this way for a while. Will also be missing my Daddy extra extra, tomorrow is Fathers Day in NZ, Lawrence is sorted he is a father and the girls are really spoiling him, me well he is not my father, my father is some 11,856km away, and special occasions you can times that distance by a million billion trillion.
Now I am waiting for what Pam is going to have me looking for next time ...
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