Thursday, 14 April 2011

Through the eyes of sisters week 5 Topic: New

So another week gone by and I feel like I am still living in a week 2 weeks ago ... LoL, my training is nearly over and I hope that means life will bare some normality for me, probably not since then I will be out on my own!

I chose the topic for this week, with a clear vision of what I wants, as always, it didn't happen, life happened instead. I figured that "new" is an easy topic, there are new things everywhere all we need to do is point and shoot, ah but there in lies the trick .... point and shoot ... hmmm that requires firstly a camera charged and ready, a moment of time and focus. Out of those 3 boxes I have can successfully tick NONE, and I call myself a budding photographer ... LoL, maybe one day when I am big.

I will start with my sister's pic, it brings a big smile to my face, it is just oozes her all over it. She took a pic of "Sunshine" not the firely ball of light in our sky, Sunshine is her birthday present. Yes my sister gives names to all her possessions, our whole family does, we name our cars, our pot plants, and even our bicycles apparently. I like my sisters birthday present, it just so sums up her in one glance, different, quirky, definitely a little odd, and seriously eccentric! May you ride many happy miles with sunshine all around, I love and miss you madly!!!

Now my turn, I openly admit my pic was a mad scramble, but then even going to the loo has been a mad scramble for me this week ;-)

There is something very few know about me, I am a sunrise and sunset kinda girl, I don't need romantic walks to appreciate them, I gaze dreamily at them from the windows of my house. I am obviously always awake to see sunsets and I am mostly awake before sunrise, I seldom miss one. There is just something about a sunrise that really brings promise and excitement to me. I watch the sunrising while making beds or tidying up or opening curtains or making school lunches, no matter what I am up to at that moment I peep through the window and watch the pallet of colours on display for the world to see, sadly most of the world doesn't see it. I do! I appreciate it. I watch and make mental notes of what the day will have in store, my to do list!! Consisting of yesterdays to do list, which also consisted of the day before's to do list which is not on today's to do list, sunrise holds a promise that I get to ignore my to do list for another day ;-) My pic for "new" is "A New Day" ... a new day is a promise of what is yet to come!

To all you sleepy heads out there who spend you life sleeping it away while the world keeps turning I have photographed the sunrise beginning to end, show you the beauty of life you are missing out on ... show you the true magical pallet on display. These moments are far to beautiful to be spent with your eyes closed!

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