Once again this week’s topic was picked with so much enthusiasm, vision and excitement … but it would appear time is less enthusiastic about our topics than my sister and I. We have both had a very tough week with so much on our plates. I picked flight (with a bit of encouragement from my sister) thinking of the planes we have here that leave these long trails of precipitation behind them when they take off which end up looking like straight clouds … always so pretty, and when you catch them in the early morning or late evening they are pretty pink and purple and peach. I had visions of leaves blowing (being autumn), the monarch butterflies in our local park, I also thought of our friend playing basketball and flying through the air like you see on TV (although I had one concern: it is rumoured white men can’t jump …LoL). Sadly all these picture perfect photo's had one thing in common that was missing from my week .... time :( but we make do and squeeze in some time with our camera's.
My sisters pic is taken one morning before the bus collects the kids for school. My nephew is going through an origami phase at the moment, and his first choice in paper folding is planes, this pic is of him folding a doozy (sp?? .. I am not so clued up with plane terms), I love Pam’s interpretation of the topic, no one said it had to be airborne so shows real “out of the box” thinking!
My pic is thanks to a friend who was really a great about the whole thing, I was running out of time to get the pic done so he agreed to meet me after dinner at the school courts. He ran and jumped and jumped and ran and threw as many times as I needed. When I got home and downloaded the pics it was only then I realised how high he actually was jumping … *BANG* goes that rumour … hey I could get a job on Myth Busters … LoL … My picture had turned out exactly as I hoped showing movement, and grounding and height. Thanks buddy!!! You’re a great sport!
Once again my sister and I have had real diverse ideas of our topic, and having just recieved next weeks, I am filled with that same excitement, there is so much open to ones interpretation of this topic, I have a clear picture in my head of what I want ... now to get the shot! I think once again my sister and I will prove that just because we share DNA we don't think the same.