Yes it has been a very long time, my very sudden, unexplained leave of absent took a lot of people by surprise and without warning or apologies. Surprising to me though was just how society has become accustomed to sharing details of every aspect of our lives ... is this what we have come to? Lets face it what sells gos mags? Celeb's dirty laundry being written about and photographed, I guess it should go to reason people have a complete lack of understanding when you go through something and you don't want to discuss it or put it out there. Alright fair enough I should have just nicely asked people to please just give me space ... but then I was too busy fighting for space. Anyway enough said my sister and I are back now. Time has always been a constant gripe for the both of us, and although we are both spread even thinner I am going to promise not to mention the lack of notches on the clock, not to complain about it slipping away, we have also changed the cycle to 2 weekly in an effort to ease it up and make this a little easier for both of us, no point stressing ourselves out doing something we both want and enjoy.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight lets get it on! So we are back and thank you Pam for you persistence. Pam chose the topic this week, "CUISINE" ... yum food my favourite ... LoL ... we both had a bit of a comfort thing going on in out pics this week.
Pam's pic is my very beautiful niece (who is getting way to big without me!!) making their favourite Sunday tradition: Waffles .. Mmmm ... not the toaster kind, not the "just and water" kind, waffles from scratch, measure, weigh, whisk, and mix kind. Sharing your kitchen with your loved ones is special, such a wonderful time to bond and talk and just be together, call it old fashioned but it is just the way it is!
As a Mom with daughters I can truly appreciate the time spent making and baking and just being together.
My pic is my comfort food. Sometimes a girl just needs her Mommy, and when you have 11856km between you it is not always easy, so when I have one of those moments I make my Mom's butternut soup, this is her favourite recipe for soup and it is yum. So this is my "I want my Mommy but this is as close as I can get" comfort food!
I also dug out some of my older success stories, while it is not "cuisine" it is edible ... LoL ...and just like the waffles and soup it was made with a whole lot of heart, mixed with soul and baked in love.
Leah's 1st birthday cupcake tower
Rachel's 4th birthday - Princess party
Mine and Leah's birthday combined (her party cancelled due ti illness)
Nephews pirate party
Pam has started a trend of ending her blogs off with a song of the moment, and the last few have been centred around mothers and their daughters ... I have one to and I think it ties so beautifully into this blog but it also goes hand in hand with a few others that I can think of ... Charmaine, Mhairi I know you will also appreciate it xxxx
I have used the original ABBA version of this song because ABBA is one of my Dad's favourite bands, I grew up listening to them often, and you know sometimes a girl doesn't just need her Mommy, she needs and misses her Daddy too!
I have used the original ABBA version of this song because ABBA is one of my Dad's favourite bands, I grew up listening to them often, and you know sometimes a girl doesn't just need her Mommy, she needs and misses her Daddy too!